
Sunday 1 January 2012

New Year's Eve: Dinner, dancing, shoeless wonders, sleeping on the sofa and the Berocca incident!

Happy New Year everyone! I felt that I couldn't let the change in year happen without at least a few observations on this blog for you.

New Year's Eve for me was heading South of the river, for dinner out with friends and then back to a house party. The dinner was reasonably civilised but when we got out of the public eye and into the safety of a friend's front room, the cheesy dancing came out.

Even though we'd all just eaten two courses at dinner, we immediately started drunkenly munching on crisps and pizza and drinking some serious cocktails!

We danced and drank until about 3am, at which point the evening got a lot more interesting. Thanks to Addison Lee, a cab picked me up just 10 mins after booking it on their iPhone app. That was very impressive for 3am on New Year's Eve!

Being a bit thrifty I got a cab to the nearest tube, rather than the whole way home, which is when I got a glimpse into what everyone else's evening had been like. It was not good.

Obviously everyone was very merry. What shocked me a little was the number of girls walking bare foot, with their boyfriends carrying their shoes. What shocked me more was the number of guys who had also taken their shoes off. Now these didn't look to be particularly uncomfortable shoes, most were Converse or Tom's sandals. They also didn't look like the kind of chaps to have been dancing non-stop for 12 hours. Here's one of them. Bizarre. Any men reading who did this? Please tell me why!

The other shocking sight was a girl who had lost her skirt. I can't be absolutely certain that she started out with one, but the tights and knickers she was wearing were not the sort you'd want on show. Still, she seemed fairly confident as she walked along. Maybe she was pulling off a Lady Gaga style fashion statement, or maybe she just hadn't noticed yet!

So, after getting home at 4am, sleeping on the sofa (always do that) till 8am, then moved to the bed until 10am, I decided to get up and start my usual morning routine which is to have a Berocca, for a bit of a vitamin boost.

I dropped the tablet into what I thought was a glass of water. When it had finished effervescing I started to drink it whilst tidying up. It tasted a little sweeter than normal, but I didn't think that much of it; maybe it was in less water than normal and therefore a stronger taste.

It turned out that it wasn't water; it was the vodka and tonic I was drinking whilst getting ready last night! So I had an unintentional hair of the dog situation. What a way to start 2012, by drinking more alcohol as soon as you wake up!

Happy New Year to you!

1 comment:

  1. Berocca vitamins are the number one selling branded Energy Vitamin & Mineral product. Berocca has been around since the 1960s when the effervescent tablets were launched in Switzerland. It was launched in the UK in 1989 and now it's helping people stay sharp in more than 50 countries across the world.
